Книги, статии и научни трудове по темата:
- Банабаков, И. Царицата на науките Част I [2020]
- Банабаков, И. Царицата на науките Част II [2020]
- Бонов, Ангел. Митове и легенди за съзвездията [1976]
- Грузинов, Фьодор. Астрология на Древните [1960 ]
- Грузинов, Фьодор. Астрологията Звездната Наука на Арабите [1965]
- Колев, Румен. Астрологията на Месопотамия I: Богове, Митове и Култ [2014]
- Колев, Румен. Астрологията на Месопотамия II: Хелиакалните Фази [2014]
- Колев, Румен. Астрологията на Месопотамия III: Царе, Знамения и Планети [2014]
- Колев, Румен. Примарни Дирекции I, Варна [2015]
- Колев, Румен.. Антична Астрология I: Хилег, Алкокоден, Алмутен [2013]
- Колев, Румен.. Антична Астрология II: Планети, планети в аспекти [2016]
- Колев, Румен.. Антична Астрология III: Планети, терми, аспекти, двойни и тройни съвпади [2019]
- Кун, Николай. Старогръцки легенди и митове [1962]
- Куртик, Г. Е. Звездное Небо Древней Месопотамии [2007]
- Региомонтанус. Хороскопа на Максимилиан I, превод Румен Колев [2013]
- Хермес. Относно неподвижните звезди, превод Румен Колев [2013]
- Black Jeremy and Green Anthony. Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia: An Illustrated Dictionary [2000]
- Condos, Theony. Star Myths of the Greeks and Romans [1997]
- Cumont, Franz. Antiochus d’Athènes et Porphyre, Annuaire de l’Institut de philologie et d’histoire orientales, vol 2 [1934]
- Deime,l Anton. Pantheon babylonicum [1914]
- Jastrow, Marcus. Religion of Babylonia and Assyria
- Jastrow, Morris Jr. Bildermappe zur Religion Babyloniens und Assyriens, Alfred Töpelmann, Giessen. [1912]
- Kevin van Bladel. The Arabic Hermes [2009]
- Koch, Westenholz. Mesopotamian Astrology [1995]
- Kolev, Rumen. The Babylonian Astrolabe The Calendar of Creation [2013]
- Kramer, Samuel. Sumerian Mythology [1961]
- Kramer, Samuel. The Sumerians [1963]
- Leick, Gwendolyn. A Dictionary of Ancient Near Eastern Mythology [1991]
- Morris Jr. Jastrow. Mesopotamia in the Ancient World [2013]
- Nathanael J. Andrade.Syrian Identity in the Greco-Roman World [2013]
- Oliver, James. The Worship of the Sky-god: A Comparative Study in Semitic and Indo-European Religion [1963]
- Pingree, David. and Reiner, Erica. Babylonian Planetary Omens: Part One … The Venus Tablet of Ammisaduqa [1975]
- Pingree, David and Reiner, Erica. Babylonian Planetary Omens: Part Three [1998]
- Powell, Robert. Hermetic Astrology: Volume 1 – 2 ed. [1987 and 1989]
- Selin, Helaine. Astronomy Across Cultures: The History of Non-Western [2012]
- Sjoeberg A, E.Bergmann, Gene B. Gragg. The Collection of Sumerian Temple Hymns [1969]
- Stephanie, Dalley. Myths from Mesopotamia [1989]
- Armour, Robert. Gods and myths of ancient Egypt [1986]
- Frankfort, Henri. Ancient Egyptian Religion [1961]
- E.A. Wallis Budge. The Gods of the Egyptians, Volume 1 [1969]
- E.A. Wallis Budge. The book of Dead [1895]
- E.A. Wallis Budge. Egyptian Religion [1996]
- Louis, Zabkar. Hymns to Isis in Her Temple at Philae [1988]
- Fastugiere, Andre. Corpus Hermeticum, Vol. I-IV [1972-1973]
- Lachman, Gary. The Quest For Hermes Trismegistus [2011]
- Salaman, Clement. Asclepius: The Perfect Discourse of Hermes Trismegistus [2007]
- Three Initiates. The Kybalion [1910]
- Naydler, Jeremy. Temple of the Cosmos: The Ancient Egyptian Experience of the Sacred [1996]
- Baines, John. The Stellar Man [1985]
- Baines, John. The Secret Science: For the Physical and Spiritual Transformation of Man [1994]
- Blavatsky, Helena. Isis Unveiled [1877]
- Heslod. Catalogues Of Women Translated by H. G. Evelyn-White [1914]
- Heslod. Miscellany Fragments Translated by H. G. Evelyn-White [1914]
- Heslod. Shield Of Heracles Translated by H. G. Evelyn-White [1914]
- Heslod. Therogony Translated by H. G. Evelyn-White [1914]
- Heslod. Works And Days Translated by H. G. Evelyn-White [1914]
- Homer. Iliad Translated by A. T. Murray [1924]
- Apollodorus. The Library Translated by Sir J. G. Frazer [1921]
- Bion. Poems Translated by J. M. Edmonds [1912]
- Homer. Odussey Translated by A. T. Murray [1919 Loeb]
- Homeric. Hymns Translated by H. G. Evelyn-White [1914 Loeb]
- Lyra. Graeca 1 Translated by J. M. Edmonds [1922]
- Plutarich. Life Of Thedeus Translated by Bernadotte Perrin [1914 Loeb]
- Platarch. Greek & Roman Parallel Stories Translated by F. C. Babbitt [1936]
- Diodorus Sicilus. Library Of Histoty BKS 4 – 6 Translated by C. H. Oldfather [1935]
- Lician. Dialogues Of the Gods Translated by H. W. and F. G. Fowler [1905]
- Lucian. Dialogues Of The Sea Gods Translated by H. W. and F. G. Fowler [1905]
- Lucian. Dialogues Of The Dead Translated by H. W. and F. G. Fowler [1905]
- Callistratus. Descriptions Translated by Arthur Fairbanks [1931]
- Colluthus, Rape Of Helen Translated by A. W. Mair [1928]
- Nonnus. Dionysaca BSk 1 – 14 Translated by W. H. D. Rouse [1940]
- Hygins. Astronomica Translated by Mary Grant [1960]
- Hygins. Fabulae Translated by Mary Grant [1960]
- Seneca. Hercules Furens Translated by Frank Justus Miller [1917]
- Fulgentius. The Mythologies Translated by Leslie George Whitbread [1971]
- Callimachus. Hymns & Epigrams. Lycophron. Aratus. Translation by Mair, A. W. & Mair, G. R.
- Callimachus. Aetia Iambi Hecale & other Fragments. Museaus. Hero & Leander. Translation by Trypanis, C. A., Gelzer, T. & Whitman, C.
- Cicero. Nature of the Gods, Academics. Translation by Rackham, M. A.
- Orphic Hymns. The Hymns of Orpheus. Translation by Taylor, Thomas [1792]
- Ovid. Fasti. Translation by Boyle, A. J. & Woodard, R. D.
- William E. Burns. Astrology through History: Interpreting the Stars from Ancient Mesopotamia to the Present [2018]
- Tamsyn, Barton. Ancient Astrology [1994
- Jim Tester. A History of Western Astrology [1987]
- Lenain, Lazare. La science cabalistique ou l’art de connaitre les bons genies [1823]
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- Livingston, Lucas. “Greek and Egyptian religious parallels: Egyptian Gods with Greek Names in Herodotus and Votive Statuary” [2002]
- Herodotus. The Histories Translated. Aubrey de Sélincourt. [1972]
- Shaw, Ian. The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt: Oxford University Press [2000]
- Spence, Lewis. Egypt: Myths and Legends. London: George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd. [1915]
- Detienne, Marcel. Dionysos Slain. Translated. Mireille Mueller and Leonard Mueller. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, [1979]
- Griffiths, J. Gwyn. „The Orders of Gods in Greece and Egypt (According to Herodotus).“ Journal of Hellenic Studies 75 [1955]: 21-3.
- Schmidt, Robert. The Problem of Astrology [This article 2000]
- Hand, Robert. On the Invariance of the Tropical Zodiac [This article April 1996]
- Abu Mashar. Liber Introductorii Maioris, Vol. V, edidit Lemey R., Napoli, Italy [1996]
- Albubather (9cen. AD) Albubather Et Centiloquium Divi Hermetis’, Venetiis, [1501]
- Bouche LeClercq. L’Astrologie Grecque, Paris [1899]
- CCAG: Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum, [Това са 12 тома, някой сняколко части, общо около 3,000 страници с описания на гръцките ръкописи поАстрология в европейските библиотеки. Всеки том има средно по 100 страницитипографски текст на избрани раздели от ръкописите. Общо погледнато, обаче,само около 1-3% от ръкописните текстове са извадени на типографски (печатен) гръцки. CCAG е само на гръцки (коментарите на учените са на латински).]
- Dorothei Sidoni (1cen. AD) Carmen Astrologicum, D. Pingree, Teubner [1976]
- Firmicus, Maternus, Matheseos. Libri VIII, edidit Kroll, Teubner, Lipsiae [1897]
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- Ptolemy. Tetrabiblos, ed. Robbins, Harvard University Press, London [1994]
- Regiomontanus (15cen AD) Codex Vind. 5179, ONB-Library, Vienna
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- Abenragel (11cen. AD) De Judiciis Astrorum, Basel [1551]
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- Ptolomeus (2cen. AD) Clavdii Ptolemaei Opera Quae Exstant Omnia, vol III 2, edidit E. Boer, Teubner, Leipzig, [1961]
- Nechepsonis et Petosiridis. Fragmenta Magica, edidit Ernestus Riess, Bonnae, typis Caroli Georgi [1890]
- Vettius Valens (2cen. AD) Anthologiae edidit D. Pingree, Teubner [1986]
- Hephaestionis. Thebani, Apotelesmaticorum Libri Tres, ed. D. Pingree, Teubner, Leipzig [1973]
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- Porphyrii. Philosophi. Introductio in Tetrabiblum Ptolemaei, A.Boer, CCAG V / part IV, 185-228.
- Valentis. Vettii. Antiocheni, anthologiarum Libri Novem, ed. Pingree, D.Teubner, Leipzig [1986]
Царицата на науките
Вземи промоционалното първо издание на книгата (две части в една) с автограф от авторa: „Въведение в античната астрология и митология“ и „Седемте класически планети в Месопотамия, Египет и Гърция